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The CadQuery cycloidal gear

As in CadQuery replicad supports sketching parametric functions, we can implement this gear as well.

We can have a look at the rendered shape.

And here is what the code looks like.

const hypocycloid = (t, r1, r2) => {
return [
(r1 - r2) * Math.cos(t) + r2 * Math.cos((r1 / r2) * t - t),
(r1 - r2) * Math.sin(t) + r2 * Math.sin(-((r1 / r2) * t - t)),

const epicycloid = (t, r1, r2) => {
return [
(r1 + r2) * Math.cos(t) - r2 * Math.cos((r1 / r2) * t + t),
(r1 + r2) * Math.sin(t) - r2 * Math.sin((r1 / r2) * t + t),

const gear = (t, r1 = 4, r2 = 1) => {
if ((-1) ** (1 + Math.floor((t / 2 / Math.PI) * (r1 / r2))) < 0)
return epicycloid(t, r1, r2);
else return hypocycloid(t, r1, r2);

const defaultParams = {
height: 15,

/** @typedef { typeof import("replicad") } replicadLib */
/** @type {function(replicadLib, typeof defaultParams): any} */
const main = ({ sketchCircle, sketchParametricFunction }, { height }) => {
const base = sketchParametricFunction((t) =>
gear(2 * Math.PI * t, 6, 1)
).extrude(height, { twistAngle: 90 });

const hole = sketchCircle(2).extrude(height);

return base.cut(hole);